Monday, April 30, 2012

Easter Morning and Easter Dresses

The girls had to follow some clues to find their Easter baskets.

Chess was so excited to hear and follow the clues.  Look at that face of excitement!

There's an egg clue on the dishwasher!

They finally found the baskets under the table.

Lera was the only child who wanted to pose happily in front of the azaleas before church.

The Thompson family

I decided to try again to take some pictures of the girls after church.  Here they are running away from me.  Cute.


I found this dress for Chess a few years ago and loved it.  I am so happy that she fits into it this year.

I decided to make a toille dress in another color for Lera to coordinate with Chess.

Pink is the only color they had, so pink it is.

Here is the back.  I actually messed up and made the bodice a little too tight, so I added that pink strip to give her some more room.  I think it turned out pretty cute for a mess-up.

I have to enjoy making these pretty little things for them while they still want me to.

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

libbysupermom said...

Very good Easter pics Ali!! Love the one of Lera by the bush...very pretty...matches her dress! The family picture is awesome too!! Great job on the dress!! I love Chess's surprise/happy/excited face! She is so it! Love y'all!! Great pics!!